The blog, this platform, this website is now a proud member of the Patreon bandwagon. After years of financial struggles, delays even borderline neglect the medium has suffered, I was contacted by many of the followers of the blog who wanted to support my work through patronage. While initially hesitant I have finally warmed up to the idea that I cannot do this alone. To add partners to my work and mission will help me out.
Your financial aid and the gift of your trust obligates and motivates me to produce at a higher level. Introduce interviews, video logs, podcasts into the mix and work to produce my works of fiction and non-fiction long overdue. There are of course goals that need to be met both financially and professionally, so I can have more physical help and delegate some work to hired specialists so I can work on mine.
You can help me make meditation musings and all the other series.
Just head on to